This is a waterdrop filled with light. An amazing creature.

Polar plot showing the use of the Debye series for scattering
of 0.65 µm wavelength light from a 100 µm radius water drop
It so happened that from the beginning of 1980s for some 15 years, while at now defunct Bell Laboratories, I was intensely involved in processing the information obtained from the hydrophones positioned at multiple locations of Earth's oceans. The work was secret and involved digitizing the obtained analog data and applying various algorithms to make sence of the received ocean sounds, such as to determine its characteristics, sources, and locations, and also to represent it to an observer in a visually flowing manner. It made use of super computers of that time; the disributed processors specifically designed for this purpose and other super computing technology of that period. This work has been since declassified but the purpose of it is not of an essence here. The important part was the understanding that has formed in my mind in regard to what water is, and of it's amazing qualities. That is what I'd like to share here.
Oceans have an amazing quality; they listen to everything that happens, and whatever happens in it, and outside of it that reaches them, is remembered. Every single event.
The way they do it is amazing as well, they use movement to preserve the event information, and through that movement they also transmit the event occurence to everything around. This movement is ocean waves. When you drop a stone in the water, as an usual example, the wave will travel on and on, but not only on a surface, it travels concentrically in all the dimensions. This wave gets influenced by other waves from other events, but it continues and when a 1000 miles away it reaches the hydrophone, while diminished in aplitude, and masked by everything else that happened since and before, it is still there; that event is not lost, and so the one who listens may still detect it. Whales and probably many other inhabiants of the ocean do, and so did we with some help from mathematics and computers.
Similarly, the new powerfull telescopes receive light signals of events that happebed long ago far away. These telescopes use the same techniques and algorithms that are applicable to water, because the sources of light create waves as well. The light is a wave, and so we might say that light is a traveling event; it is not anymore where it was, and it will go by us and continue perhaps until the end of all the being. The birth of a 'Nova' when it reaches us many light years later, is something to behold, but it is not a recollection, it has power that may disrupt and even destroy; it is an event that continues to play itself through galaxies in its every detail and glory, long after the newborn star has matured and even died.
We don't know where the bounds of the moving light might be; we don't know if universe is boundless. But oceans are bounded by land, and when the event [the wave] reaches land it reverbarates back and travels in new direction, and eventually it would reach the same hydrophones again, and if you learn to detect and recognize it, you may see a ghost of the past ressurrected, that event is still persisting. Is it still real this event, in the same manner as the reflected light is still real, still shines and even burns? When the reverbarating ocean wave reaches you again it is like a Deja vu - the memory of the past, and yet it is also a reccurrence.
There is an interesting work by a Japanese scientist Masaru-Emoto - [] - who attempted to capture the effects of different external events by freezing droplets of water, exposed to these effects, such as music palying, and other, and producing unique crystalized shapes that reflect the beauty and emotion of these events.
Why does water do it, why it transmits sounds, noises, splashes, pressure from the sky, rumblings of the deep earth, and all else; and why space transmits light; and what happens to events that reach bounds; is the entire event reflected back, or is the part of it continuing through other media and it is really unbounded?
The wave involves the movement of each molecule - compressions, vibrations, transmitted from one to another while they are all interconnected, by their appendages, the so called bonds. The amplitude of this molecular wave reflects the original energy of the event, and gradually diminished as the wave travels, Yet while it is converging towards zero amplitude, it never dissapears. Eventually it would become so small that the original vibration might be registered only on a subatomic level via movement of the molecular electrones, and in such way it would transcend the water media and would continue to perpetuate the event throughout the universe [as per famous duality of the particles].
And so we might say that oceans never loose information, and that this information is also shared with the entire universe.
But let us now look at the water drop, that rose from the ocean in the early morning when the sun rays evoked the miracle of flight. How does it happen, why some droplets of water lift off and fly into space?
The popular evaporation theory basically states that warmer water molecules jump up into the air as they rise propelled by their higher termal energy. Other theories say it's the air bubbles that rise and burst at the surface, making water molecules splash away and up from the surface. Then there might be a return effect to the sun rays hitting the surface of the water. Regardless of the explanation these molecules once in the air tend to coalesce and form water drops. Once the water drop is formed a whole new ball game begins. It is especially interesting in the presence of direct sun light.
Above is a simple schemata showing the path of a light ray through the spherical waterdrop. P2 and P3 correspond to primary and secondary rainbows; but the light continues to reverberate inside the waterdrop after p3, to p4, p5, and so on, while some light is scattered out of it. The molecular architecture of the surface of the waterdrop determines how much light may come in (p0), and how much may come out (p1,p2,p3,p4, ...).
Now begins a storytelling. When the architecture of the waterdrop allows the light to be largely trapped, due to reflective qualities of the surface architecture adapted by the waterdrop, then the energy within the waterdrop will start rising, and so it's temperature and perhaps even mass. What is happening inside this special waterdrop is depicted by the top and bottom plots of light inside the 100 and 10 µm radius waterdrops - the spectral wings made of light, beating at the light speed inside the waterdrop, propelling it upward into space and beyond. They become one - the tiny amazing creature holding the light inside it's watery body as it flies at ever increasing speed towards the stars. Inside it the waves of the ocean that it came from continue to reverberate as well, the memory of all that happened there.
I believe some waterdrops do just that; fly through space taking in the light of stars and letting it out when they wish so. After all with all the knowledge and energy that they hold wouldn't they also be intelligent?
Polar plot showing the use of the Debye series for scattering of
0.65 µm wavelength light from a water drop of radius r = 10 µm
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