Autistic Archipelago
It was an island,
a beautiful island -
a part of Archipelago.
Posting from Albuquerque (backtracking)
Continuing from Archipelago 9-11 Florida-Alabama-Mississippi
Thursday March 28
Woke up at dawn at the rest stop in Mississippi that was just a few miles away from the refuge - the Sandhill Crane National Refuge. "Журавли" - I haven't seen these birds since childhood. I really wanted to...
The road to it was curving between the woods as I drove into the park in the early morning, just after the dawn. I pulled to the admin building; guys standing around with radios - security folk. I got out and walked over, and asked where I can find the birds.
I came to this refuge just for the cranes; I spotted it long ago on a map. I hoped to see them, and the morning was the best time for it. These ones were very rare birds, but I didn't know how they looked - I thought that maybe they are the kind, that I thought was gone from the world; those I saw as a child before they disappeared. I remembered their song - the song of their wings high in the sky; you hardly could see them, they flew above the clouds, and yet you could hear, it was the song that remained inside me, but I couldn't bring it out. I longed to hear it again. I knew that they were most likely another kind of bird; but I still wanted to see them...
I asked, but they didn't know; they had no idea where the birds could be; they were just guys that worked there at night, security guards, and they were about to leave when I pulled up; there was still another hour before the park ranger people would show up, they told me, and I can ask them. There is a trail there, one of them, a large younger guy, said pointing in the direction of the woods - maybe they are there.
Note: the date/time on my camera s behind; it's morning of 28th.
Note: the date/time on my camera s behind; it's morning of 28th.
I went on that trail not waiting for the rangers to show up; if I had any chance to see the birds, it would be in the morning, I knew that. The trail started very civilized with a lot of signs, but gradually became more interesting and wild. There were all kinds of small birds, they were everywhere, singing and flying around. The woods were mostly tall pine - the amazing pine that lets light in - the best woods I've encountered on my trip so far. There was water further down the trail, and as soon as I got to that area, I saw racoons on a bank going about their breakfast. First one, then another. I took pictures of them from far, then zoomed forgetting that my zoom doesn't really work, it comes out fuzzy. I made some video (mov-735 to 757 which would have to wait). Here are some pix from the woods:
It was an island. A beautiful island - a part of Archipelago.
I was there walking around for a few hours listening, looking, and then I realized that I'll not see them. It was time to go. I didn't feel disappointed; Something inside me was singing; a strange forgotten song coming out... A map of this area as it relates to Louisiana is in order here.
I went on driving parallel to I-10 looking to go back to the shore by the way of I-110 and R-15 to R-90 towards the Gulf Port, getting hungry and on a lookout for a place to eat breakfast; there were a lot of brand names all over, but I never liked them, and was in a mood for something authentic and yet simple and inexpensive; but nothing was there -
blackened shrimp with grits.
I've never tried or heard of it before; I was looking to order eggs and pancakes as I often do, but changed my mind when the waitress suggested it. I took that risk; sometimes I do; it was worth it; I was amazed. The recipe is below. On the right is a view from the inside the restaurant
And here's the address >
I liked this place that was on a road and yet right next to the water. It was already pretty late and waiters were not busy and walked around kidding with each other; I watched them as I ate; I liked them.
It was the best breakfast so far!
After the meal I took these pictures, and then got in a car and crossed over the bridge and continued on towards the shore.
What shore was opening up - it was quite different from the Florida shore; not build up at all; with dwellings that were nice but not imposing; I liked it there. I was in a good mood and was driving slowly looking at the things, and making stops.
Here (below) are some pictures from the Mississippi shore:
Crossing over the bridge I saw a sign for the University and remembered that somewhere there
So I stopped and keyed that info into my Ipad and got the bearings for it; I was just a few miles away from it... Here it is below as I drove towards it...
It was quite a coincidence. I stopped there and got out of the car and went looking around the place, and I happened to walk straight to a couple of old people with a little dog, who looked like they were out of Florida, the one that was no more...
I asked them if I can make pictures of them while they shot the commercial; they didn't mind at all; so I did; I liked the three of them; Here they are:
There was a canopy next to the sidewalk there and I sat down there watching them and shooting my own video of the whole thing, thinking at the same time, if I should try to meet Dr. Morse and how I should go about it.
When it was over I walked up to the instructor and asked him about the Autism Research Project; he didn't know much about it, but enough to tell me that Dr. Morse wasn't really a part of the department although he was in some way associated with it, and that the funding for the project came mostly from the government.
I decided then to go to the library which was in the nearby building and see what I can find out there. Besides I was curious if they carried Loud Hands there. It ended up that they didn't and so I have donated the book, and asked about Dr. Morse, and found where the project was, and all the details, and all in all, a phone call was placed to his secretary from the library by the librarian on my behalf and I got to speak to her. I told her that I'm doing research on autism and that I'm from New York, and while apologizing for it asked if I could possibly meet Dr.Morse on a short notice perhaps today or tomorrow. Long story short she gave me a direct number for Dr. Morse personal secretary and made a call and after speaking with her, a message was left for the Dr. who was at the moment unavailable, asking if he could meet with me, and to call me.
Well that never happened; I didn't really expect it to happen either, but I felt it was necessary to have to go through the process for the purpose of the verification of the prediction model that I am working on.
Anyway they have now 'Loud Hands' at the library for the autistic self-advocate reference if they ever want one, and I made a few pictures of the library, but not of the librarian who recorded the gift; she was very nice and helpful but too sophisticated for that kind of thing and instead offered to photograph me with the book. A very sharp university lady.
The project was being run from the Long Beach Middle school, which was not even a mile away and while waiting for Dr. Morse's call, I drove by it and took a picture; here it is ->
By the way here is another link to yet another Autism Research Project (by DOD?) that popped up on my search
And here is my parting picture. I was having just about enough of this place; it was time to go... ---------------->
Summary - Events corroborating my prediction model.
I drove out and kept driving by the shore heading towards New Orleans, Louisiana - I never been there and wanted to get a feel of it for myself. When I crossed there and stopped at the information center off the road, I got quite amazed; it was the grandest impression so far as regards the Visitors Centers - the grand entry to the rest-room - they were far above anything I've seen so far. One word comes to mind - IMPRESSIVE - by the size, style, and sheer elegance; I called it bathroom elegance; a bit sarcastic and yet ...
Got a map of Louisiana and New Orleans and a suggestion to visit French quarters.
Drove out in the late noon, stopping on the way at NASA center somewhere off the road, that was already closed - there were things outside of the pavilion - here is a picture of a rocket engine that was outside and impressed me and of tsunami research capsule:
Got to New Orleans around 5:30 PM with just enough time to walk around and get out of the city when the night comes; I didn't plan to stay there for the night. From French Quarters: walked around; ate cray fish; took a few pictures- here they are:
Perceptions: The place has transitional energy that is generated from the movement of people which has an idling pattern similar to a sink hole that is draining...
Comments: You get drained... Drove out at dark, tired of it. I had not and idea where to, just a direction.
WHERE DID I SLEEP. On that 11th night?
NIGHT 11, First at a truck stop, behind a camper; I got tired driving at night, looking for a right place and not finding it, and just pulled to a truck stop; crawled to the back of the car and fell asleep; woke up from the truck noise and excessive light, and drove out, just as another car was pulling out of there as well. Followed it and the signs to the rest stop, which I needed badly, got there, parked next to the restrooms in a huge empty parking lot with just a few cars and campers parked on the perimeter here and there away from the light - there were some dark spots there - and just got out of the car to go to restroom, as a car that I followed out of the truck stop, made a loop and came behind me.
It was a security guy, who told me that I stopped in a a handicap parking space. He was a young
guy looking tired; it was in the late night, and I was tired too and in need of a bathroom. I looked at him and said, showing him the empty lot - man, I said - it's an empty lot, I just need to go to the bathroom; I'm not parked here for the night! I was both pissed, sarcastic, and urgent - he got it; I'll be
out of here, I said, in a minute, and I looked at him in a disbelief, expressing the nonsense he's been creating.
He understood instantly and said - all right man, all right - and drove
off. I went in, took care of my bladder call, picked a darker spot away from
the lights, drove there, parked and went to sleep.
Woke up about 7 am, feeling well and refreshed. Shaved and drove off to a boat launch following a car that pulled up with a boat in tow, and now was leaving. It was nearby, right under the highway, and local boaters were pulling in with mostly flat bottom small fishing craft; I watched them for a while launching off. Some were amateurs, but most were people that fish whenever they get a chance, and they did things with efficiency and grace - one guy had two dogs, and they had it to a science, to the precise centimeter of space and motion. He noticed me evaluating their motions, and understood and acknowledged - the dogs did too, simultaneously with him - the silent communication where all 4 of us (two man and two dogs) became aware of each other and joined in this instant communication; his dogs were incredibly independent and knew their part, while attending to the moment and their own interests, and yet amazingly aware of their man companion and his awareness. I watched them pull out and then turned and went to my car parked under the bridge and drove off. I felt good and not thinking of next.
Somewhere there was a refuge, that I'll be going to. As I turned the corner thinking of it, the sign to it was right there. I was almost there, just a little over a mile away. I was in Louisiana and was starting to like it.
This was morning of Friday, March 29
From the road, that I liked more and more, as I headed to the shore - an obscure part that I started to recognize as another island, according to my prediction model... watching people on the sides of the road fishing or crabbing in a muddy water in ditches that were on the both sides of the road... Here are a few pictures of this area:
A few pics here:
these above are from the walk at the Refuge center and another trail there that started about half a mile further south; there was also a safari kind of nature drive that I didn't go on.
I got out of there and kept driving south on the roads that were going back in time to a spot I felt was right.
I got out of there and kept driving south on the roads that were going back in time to a spot I felt was right.
And there it is -
Rutherford Beach - The kind of place it is - Pictures first -
View from the bushes -
The shot below is in the morning from the bushes where I went to relieve myself; place has no amenities, no cops, and few people. Undisturbed I was sleeping there; There was no hindrance from the law. Places like that are few on the coast; there are some in the north; this was the first I've encountered in the south.
There were locals checking me out as the night set; in places like that one should be aware of them, not making a game of you. It's rare nowadays but you should be careful and prepared. They came driving by me in the twilight and later in the early night; mine was the only car on the beach, aside from the camper some distance away - the few cars that were there in a day time left with the dark. I was a bit concerned, but I was staying; my three friends with me - my khs. I watched them sitting in cars in the dark some distance behind me on a sandy road leading to the beach; and then finally they left. I was relieved.
And then I saw lights coming down the road again - there was another party coming; so after all there may be some action, I thought. But it was not that - this was a special party. They drove to the side away from me - a truck first, followed by another with a camping trailer; they drove away and were gone for some time; then they came back, drove by me; found the middle between my car and the camper some distance away, and started to set up camp. Here (above on the left) is their camp - tents between the vehicles. I saw them in the light of their headlights - there were few families with a lot of kids of all ages; they ran all over; some came close to me as I sat facing the water shielded from the wind that was getting stronger; they made fire, they danced there; I was jealous; I felt like going there but didn't want to intrude. I liked their camp, the way they set it - I felt they were my people; my tribe.
The morning was breezy, but as soon as the sun was up, I got out and jumped in the water that was not bad and swam out far, and they watched me and then their kids started to jump in as well; we watched each other from the distance. I found some partially burnt out sticks and other material that could burn and made a small fire and cooked my serial; and then packed up and left; it was after 11 and I had a long way to go...
There was a ferry crossing; people that looked at me and people who I looked at; silent communications; acknowledgement; recognition...
I liked that road by the shore -
(if you double-click on these pictures - they open up)
There was a little town on a way called Long Beach, a bit off but I wanted to see it (I live in LB NY) - here it is
And then there was TEXAS - it entered with a bridge - it was long and what opened up from there was another world.
And still on a side of the road among all that was a little creeper; my favorite; I saw it out of the corner of my eye and stopped; I needed a break anyway...
I shot through Texas 90 miles an hour; By the time night came I was past Austin and kept driving; I didn't want to stop, I just wanted to be out of there. I was full of energy, from Rutherford beach, but eventually I got tired.
It hit me suddenly, and I pulled to a truck stop to look if there was any place nearby, any kind of green place... There was nothing, so I just pulled behind a truck; covered my windows, and went to sleep; I woke up it was after 1 am; I slept few hours and was ready to continue; I wanted to get out of there; I drove for a few hours and ran out of steam again; pulled up to another truck stop, it was about 4 am and slept there till dawn.
NIGHT 13 - Truck stop(2s)
Sunday, March 31 (day 14) finds me driving towards to El Paso.
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